Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Kid in the Kitchen

What better week for a post on cooking and baking?

This past month, The Kid has been helping out more and more in the kitchen. She's five, and like most kids she loves to help in the kitchen. I realized recently that she could probably do a lot more than she has been if I slowed it down a bit. She now is my assistant during preparations for most lunches. Starting last week, we now swap roles for one lunch a week and Sunday brunch - she is the cook, with an adult assistant.

What do your kids start out learning to cook? I'd love to find more stuff she could actually be independent on!


  1. My kids are nearly four. They were born in November of 2016. This past Saturday, we baked some muffins for a party. In the recent past we have made tasty sandwiches and cupcakes. What about finger foods or simple suppers like beans on toast? That is one thing I am hoping to teach the kids to make next. You can also bake some brownies. If you have a whole day, you can teach her how to prepare a salad. Or alternatively, a easy meal like soup is a good option.

    Cookery is very good for skill building. I have typed a list of skills we will be focusing on during the cookery lessons too. And there are cookery books for kids. I find and buy them from my local bookstore.

    1. At this point, The Kid is 9 years old. She can make pretty much anything she wants in the kitchen, and I’ve regularly let her choose a recipe and bake unsupervised with her friends. She doesn’t really enjoy cooking lately, but she’s definitely built all the skills needed.

  2. I love everything baking related. Kitchen, not so much.
    I find bakering much easier for kids. And they certally prefer the end results!
