Monday, October 28, 2019

The Perils of Not Pre-Reading

It's been a few years since I even attempted to pre-read what The Kid was reading. There's just not enough time in the day. Plus, quite frankly, she reads faster than I do. Out trouble isn't with her own chosen reading, though. For that, she mostly gravitates towards books written for her age or a couple years above. (Finally!) Some of it has the usual kids-being-mean and kids-making0bad-decisions, but it's all age appropriate for a tween.

No. It's what I choose for read alouds. Or, rather, listen alouds, since I much prefer to use audiobooks over reading aloud myself. We've always pulled from a diverse, varied selection of books. And most of them are truly excellent. But I should probably go back to paying attention so that we don't get too many more chapters about incest and violence. Somehow, I wasn't expecting that to come up so much in a book about scientific ethics.

But, I'm not going to kid myself. There's no way I'm going to pre-read all our read alouds. It's just one of the perils of reading widely.

And, despite being caught off guard by the incest and violence, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is an amazing book.

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