Monday, August 13, 2018

8-Year-Old Resources (August edition)

I'm still a planner, but I've been handing over more and more of the school choices directly to The Kid. This is resulting in fewer long-term plans, but some interesting school choices. Here are her current plans for fall:

  • Art of Problem Solving's Introduction to Algebra - she's working through this at home
  • Becoming a Problem Solving Genius - one of the Ed Zaccaro books, this one breaks down lots of ways to tackle hard problems. I suspect this would have been a better fit last year, but if she still enjoys it...
  • Hard Math for Elementary School - another one that would have been a better fit if I'd bought it earlier, but it still has just a couple sections that will interest The Kid, like working in base 8 and tiling problems
  • 25 Real Life Math Investigations That Will Astound Teachers and Students - another Ed Zaccaro book, this one looks to be more on target for where she is now. Each chapter focuses on a real-life way that math gets used (and somethings misused).
  • Amazing Math Projects - we've already done most the projects in this book, and she loved them. We'll finish up and then I need to see if I can find another math projects book!
  • The Magic of Math - The Kid has seen Art Benjamin speak twice in person, plus watched some of his Great Courses lectures, so using his Algebra-related book during her Algebra year seems like a no-brainer
  • The Cartoon Guide to Algebra - I won't assign any of the problems in this book, it's just for fun
  • Math With Bad Drawings - not even released yet, but this looks like a fun book!
  • Zometool - there is an entire curriculum that came with our Zometool, and we've barely touched it yet! We definitely need to get this out more.
Social Studies
  • Social Studies/Art unit study class once a week at an enrichment center 
  • Subscription to Great Courses Plus - currently watching lecture series on How The World Learns and another on a History of Food
  • History Unboxed - we bought just two boxes to try out, and we'll see how it goes
Foreign Language
  • Galore Park's So You Really Want to Learn French, book 2
  • Homeschool Spanish Academy - she's continuing on once a week to maintain basic fluency
  • Hoffman Piano Academy - as desired, not assigned by me
  • Music class once per week at enrichment center
  • Lego class once per week at enrichment center
  • Robotics club at enrichment center
  • Learning how to sew
  • Her second year with her Destination Imagination team

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Geodesic Dome Out of Newsprint

Building this is not for the impatient. I would suggest at least four pairs of hands and 2-4 hours of time. But I can confirm that it does work! Instructions can be found here. If you don't want to deal with all the ink on newspaper, we used 24" by 36" packing paper.