Thursday, December 15, 2016

Drowning in Crafts

The Kid loves crafts. All sorts of crafts. Millions of crafts.

I dislike anything I perceive as clutter, so this is a constant balancing act.

But a few things that she has really taken to:

Finger Knitting. We started with this Klutz book and a couple of YouTube videos to get started last winter, and she's made piles of yarn creations since.

Weaving Loom. She received this one as a gift last winter from her grandfather. It takes a lot of patience, so there's not a lot being done with it. She is working on a scarf for herself that will take her about a month if she works on it nightly.

Knot A Quilt. She was just dying for this, and has gotten a start on it before getting distracted by all the other crafts around. She'll go back to it once the "new" has worn off some of the other stuff.

Green Kid Crafts. This is a monthly craft box subscription. I have mixed feelings about it - $20 and she's usually only kept occupied for a couple hours, so I don't see us continuing past the three months we signed up for. But she's excited every time it arrives.

Quilling. I didn't even know this existed. She was subscribed to Surprise Ride boxes for a while and this was one of their projects. Thin little strips of paper, twisted into tight spirals and glued onto cardstock to make pictures. It can take hours to create a picture, so yay for independent play!

LoopDeDoo. This is a little creation that greatly speeds up the creation of friendship bracelets. The Kid bought it for herself with a 60% off coupon from JoAnn Fabrics. Anyone out there want a friendship bracelet? Or maybe a dozen? If she keeps up at this rate, she'll go broke on embroidery floss.

Next up: Knitting. Like with actual knitting needles. I'm a bit skeptical about whether a six year old can knit, but she was determined to try and bought the knitting needles and some yarn this past weekend with her allowance. I decided to buy knitting needles and yarn for myself and learn alongside, since that's the only way I'd ever be able to help her out if she gets stuck. We decided on dishcloths for our first project - small and useful. I'm thankful for YouTube videos, as that's how we'll be trying to learn. We just have to find time - hah!

The other "Next up": LoopDeLoom. From the makers of the LoopDeDoo, this is their answer to speeding up a weaving loom. This will be The Kid's winter solstice present, along with some more yarn. The same makers also have a monthly craft box subscription, which I think might be next up when we're done with the Green Kid Crafts boxes. Their individual kits look like some of the better ones I've seen in a while.

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