Friday, April 8, 2016

Honduras: Week 4

Our last week in Copan Ruinas!

We started it out by touring a coffee farm. Neither The Kid nor I had previously had any idea how coffee was grown. It turns out to be grown on little trees on steep mountainsides. This was an interesting trip that managed to keep both of us engaged - perfect for our last big Copan excursion!
One coffee berry, squashed open to find the coffee bean inside

Lots of coffee bushes! Oh, glorious coffee!

I'm super pleased with our Spanish progress. I'm now able to speak in future and past tenses as well as present. The Kid has unlocked the mystery of conjugating verbs that previously eluded her and is much, much more comfortable actually using the Spanish she knows. I call that a definite success!
My daughter's teacher, during a class time trip to the park

This week was *really* hot! Three days at 95+ degrees! It's been so long since I lived without air con that I just forgot how miserable those temps can be. We spent a lot of time indoors to be out of the sun. Even ice cream would have melted too fast to eat.

We had only been out to one restaurant plus out for some snacks, so we splurged one day on a nice restaurant lunch. It was an awesome treat!

On Friday, we left school after just two hours and headed to the bus station. We had a 7 hour bus ride in front of us, which turned out to be 8.5 hours. Ugh. The Kid did great, just played on her iPad pretty much the whole time. I get carsick if I try to use a tablet or read a book in a moving vehicle, so I spent the ride watching Honduras go by out the window. We then spent one night in a hostel in La Ceiba before taking the ferry to Roatan the next day. That afternoon, we finally got to see my husband again! He met up with us for this week in Roatan, along with a family friend. Impressions and stories from Roatan will be coming next week!

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