Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Fairy Tale Project

I'm a big fan of the BraveWriter Lifestyle. We do Poetry Teas. I would relax on grammar and writing instruction a la BraveWriter, but The Kid won't stand for that - she wants more more more. But the only "formal" writing projects for first grade will be NaNoWriMo and a huge fairy tale project. The general idea of BraveWriter's fairy tale project is to read and/or watch multiple versions of a fairy tale, then have the child narrate the fairy tale and illustrate it. I decided to have this one project from Jot It Down take our full year, with one fairy tale per month.

Month 1: Rumpelstiltskin

Month 2: Puss In Boots

Month 3: Little Red Riding Hood

Month 4: The Ugly Duckling

Month 5: Cinderella

Yet to come: Three Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalk, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Rapunzel,  Hansel and Gretel

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