Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ancient History by Region

We have completed our prehistory study and plan on covering Ancient History region by region during first and second grade. I'll list the best resources we find as we go along. The outline is on this page and the resource lists will be linked from here.

I know it is more common and popular to study history chronologically rather than regionally, and there are many programs and schedules available for this. For this first pass through Ancients, I decided to focus on the culture of Ancient people rather than the timelines. We are using a timeline to add events to in order to see the progression through history.

Note: Because of a big shift in how we approach our schooling, including a heavier emphasis on child-led and child-chosen subjects, this history sequence has been abandoned. I will leave the completed parts here, but don't want anyone to start on them thinking more are coming!

I don't schedule most of the resources we use. When we start a unit, I gather books and documentaries and we jump into the pile and go through things by interest. We do start each unit with reading from the Usborne Encyclopedia of World History and Story of the World to give us a basic framework. We are a non-religious family and all materials are fully secular unless noted individually otherwise. Because religion plays an important part in history, we are doing a separate World Religions study and omitted the sections of Story of the World that were primarily religious in nature.

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