Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Forming New Habits

Why is this so hard?

I wrote last post about trying to form writing habits for the month of November. Didn't go so well for me. The Kid and I decided that in November, we were also going to try to form the habit of doing yoga every day. It would be a great habit to form, fun for both of us, but it hardly ever happened. We got the great Kids Yoga Deck, chose a handful of poses when we remembered, but did yoga maybe ten days last month. We're still working on this, though!

For December, she decided to try to form the habit of clearing off her art space when she was done working on something. I suspected this would not go well. She loves creating, and often the first step in a new creation is pushing aside the old creating materials, which is sometimes enough to put her off altogether, so it would be a great habit. Not happening so far, though.

I decided this month to work on Spanish every day using DuoLingo. It's amazing the excuses I've come up with to delay - mostly being sick and/or tired. Then a trip to Mexico, where I did at least work on my Spanish. I really need to get on this. We're planning a trip to a language school in Guatemala this spring and I want to make as much progress as I can through the free resource before paying for a tutor!

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